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automation solutions customized
to achieve YOUR goals


With over 30 years experience in diverse industries and technologies, EBDX.COM provides services to assist our clients through the most demanding technical challenges. With a focus on electronic business document exchange, business process and rules management, and extensive experience in enterprise infrastructure reconfiguration and application reengineering, we provide you with technology solutions that exceed your ROI expectations.

Partnering with independent experts in specific technologies and industries through our remote development infrastructure, we can provide the expertise your project demands without maintaining a huge and costly staff or facility. And we pass that savings back to you. Our approach provides the benefits of off-shore development without compromising quality, delivery schedules, or employing huge numbers of inexperienced staff learning at your expense.

Please review these case studies to see examples of how clients have been helped by our approach. Or contact us directly for a free review of your specific requirements and to find out how EBDX.COM can help you reduce costs, speed implementation, and improve your business process quality and flexibility.


EDI Case Study
An EDI VAN using custom client/server software is modernized utilizing OSS and custom Java development to drastically cut costs and eliminate client deployment and maintenance.

BRMS Case Study
A mortgage underwriting process is implemented utilizing Business Rules reducing process cycle times from weeks to minutes.

Enterprise Architecture
Back office processes supporting a call center is re-implemented to support customer self-service via the web.

Improved Infrastructure
A bloated, monolithic operational database instance is analyzed and split into multiple instances dramatically increasing application performance without operational impact.


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